

Waiting, 2015, concrete,  pigments, heights between 1.75 and 2.30 m

Waiting ist the title of a group of steles, made of concrete in the year 2015. The steles are figurelike, they remain open for own interpretations. The material used is sprayed concrete, which has a high density and allowed to realise the special surface. Number and position of the steles varies, dependant of the situation. The height varies between 1.75 m and 2.20m. The group of steles has been shown in different combinations at different places:

2021, Faulerbad, Kunst auf der Liegewiese, Freiburg /D

2020, Skulpturenweg am Ijsselmeer, Beelden aan de kust, Hoorn / NL

2018, Schlosspark March /D

2018, sculpturetrail, Vor dem Wind, gegen den Strom, Rechberghausen /D

2016, sculpturepark Walldorf-Mörfelden /D

group photo